Krsync is a simple GUI frontend for the famous rsync to synchronize files and directories between systems or even two different directories on the same server. Krsync is a Kommander based GUI for rsync. For those who are familiar with rysnc and its advanced options can find this GUI extremely handy as every other option is a click of a checkbox. The most appealing feature is that you can generate a shell script from the last run krsync backup which can be used in a CRON job and schedule it for regular file syncs.
Other interesting features include
The DRY run which does a test run to check if it looks OK
Disk Space check which again runs a dry run and sees if the disk space is sufficient.
Create Profiles for different krsync sessions
Install Krsync
A default install of your SUSEĀ & openSUSE has rysnc pre-installed and hence you do not have to install it seperately.
Krsync requires
KDE 3.4 or higher
Install Kommander as a root user as follows:
opensuse11:~ # yast2 -i kommander
This should lanch Yast and install kommander for you.
Now, download Krsync from here
Once downloaded unzip/untar the file
opensuse11:~ # tar -jxvf 68586-krsync-0.4.1.tar.bz2
Change Directory to the newly created krsync folder and run the installer script as follows:
opensuse11:~ # cd krsync-0.4.1
opensuse11:~/krsync-0.4.1 # ./
This should install the krsync.kmdr file under /opt/kde3/bin
Run Krsync
To run Krsync,
opensuse11:~ # kmdr-executor /opt/kde3/bin/krsync.kmdr &
This should launch the Krsync GUI. All selectable options for a rsync are presented under the General, Filesystem and Preserve options, user defined options and logfile tabs.
For each of the different Krsync sessions, you can save it as a profile so can be recalled later on easily.
For more information, click here to visit the project page on KDE-APPS
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