Swiftweasel is an optimized build of the Mozilla Firefox web browser for Linux. Seperate builds are available for both AMD and Intel processors. Swiftweasel is 100% compatible with all Firefox themes, plugins, and extensions.Release cycles are based on the release of Firefox versions by Mozilla.
SwiftWeasel optimization include
1. Swiftweasel is compiled -O3
2. Multiple builds that are PGO (Profile Guided Optmization) optimized.
3. Include additional instruction sets the processors support (SSE, SSE2, SSE3, MMX, 3DNow).
4. IPv6 is disabled to prevent slowdowns caused by its present implementation.
5. HTTP pipelining is enabled by default.
6. Numerous other small changes to make Swiftweasel as responsive as possible.
Install SwiftWeasel in openSUSE
There are no 1-click installs available for SwiftWeasel. To install SwiftWeasel on openSUSE, download the arch.tar.gz files for your Intel or AMD platform here
Unzip & Untar
Unzip and untar the downloaded file
saihari@opensuse11:~/Desktop> tar -zxvf swiftweasel-3.0.10_intel-pgo_x86-arch.tar.gz
This should unzip and untar the swiftweasel directory onto your desktop.
Move this directory to /usr/local
saihari@opensuse11:~/Desktop> mv swiftweasel /usr/local/
Create Symbolic Link in /usr/bin for the swiftweasel executable.
saihari@opensuse11:~/Desktop> ln -s /usr/local/swiftweasel/swiftweasel /usr/bin/
Now, launch swiftweasel for the first time
saihari@opensuse11:~/Desktop> swiftweasel
Adblock Plus: Failed to read filters from file /root/.sw3/swiftweasel/cdfkr43d.default/adblockplus/patterns.ini: [Exception… “Component returned failure code: 0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) [nsIFileInputStream.init]” nsresult: “0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)” location: “JS frame :: chrome://adblockplus/content/filterStorage.js :: anonymous :: line 369” data: no]
As you would see, Adblock is enabled by default and this straight away reduces the bandwidth utilization by not downloading the ADs which in itself improves the browser responsiveness. The errors above appear for the first time will prompt to choose an Adblock subscription. Select your nearest subscription and click OK. This should do.
You can also create a menu item for SwiftWeasel. As a root user create a new Desktop file under /usr/share/applications as follows:
opensuse11:/usr/share/applications # vi SwiftWeasel.desktop
Copy the following contents into the file:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Web Browser
Comment[en_US]=Web Browser
GenericName=Web Browser
GenericName[en_US]=Web Browser
This should create the menu item under “Applications – Internet – Web browser“.
Click here to visit the Project home.
Also, for SwiftFox, another Firefox optimized build for performance, click here
Huh? I get this error after following your instructions and trying to run:
/usr/local/swiftweasel/run-mozilla.sh: line 131: 9778 Illegal instruction “$prog” ${1+”$@”}
Hi I get fualt
usr/local/swiftweasel/run-mozilla.sh: line 166: /usr/local/swiftweasel/swiftweasel-bin: No such file or directory
You should run the swiftweasel executable.
I down loaded the ubanutu version and installed as per instructions above and now working fine ??
Any way great website and good instructions as I get use to OpenSUSE and mostly Linux
Thanks to most who contribute here and Admin
Is there any possibility to import in Swiftweasel passwords and other things from the running Firefox? I’m running openSuSE11.0 and 11.1.
carlos, use febe extension [Firefox Environment Backup Extension]
GREAT!!!!!!! Thanks in advance!
I did it but…… I switched to Swiftweasel ’cause the problem with Firefox and npviewer.bin but now I got it with Swiftweasel!!!! The same problem!!!