flimp is a generic graphical frontend to the many excellent command line image manipulation tools available. It allows you to create pipelines of commands that read from standard input and write to standard output. One can view and compare the result of each stage of the pipeline. flimp leaves the input image file untouched; the pipeline is saved in a text file.
Features include
non-destructive image manipulation
easy to extend and customize
flimp is small (currently less than 2500 LOC)
import of raw images via dcraw
support for 16bit color depth
support for external GUI programs to modify parameters
Install Flimp
Click this 1-click installer for Flimp from Packman to download the YaST MetaPackage file (YMP) and launch with YaST Package Manager. This 1-click installer supports openSUSE 11.0/10.3/10.2
NOTE: Click here to enable 1-click install in openSUSE 10.2
Click Next on the window with the Flimp description and Next again on the installation proposal window. This should download and add the required repositories and then install Flimp and the relevant dependencies. Click Finish when successfully installed.
This installs Flimp under “Applications – Graphics – Viewer“. Click Flimp to launch the editor. Click Flimp to launch for the first time.
It should launch a simple console from where one can open the image files and then any edit to the image is created under a new tab leaving the original file untouched. Every tab can then be closed or saved from the Tab menu.
Other menu options include, convert menu to convert the file to a different file format like Jpeg or PNG. Resize, Tansform or rotate image, add effects or add text.
In the bottom of the screen, the GUI window’s equivalent command line is shown, this can be manually edited (if required).
To visit the project homepage, click here