Flock Web browser is a new kid in the block of browsers built on the codebase of Mozilla Codebase, Needless to say, this project is powered by Mozilla. Flock web browser is built in Web2.0 and social networking as the core theme of the browser supporting,
Social Networking sites like Facebook,Digg, Flickr,Twitter, Youtube, Pownce etc. Drag and drop text, links, photos or videos from the web or the Media Bar to your friends in the sidebar to share. Trust us, they like to see what you’re up to.
Photo sharing services like Photobucket, Flickr, Picassa and Facebook. With Flock Photo uploader, select up to 1,000 photos, and make any changes. Press Upload and let your photos hit the web.
Blog along in blogging services like Blogger, Blogsome, LiveJournal, Typepad, WordPress & Xanga. Use Flock Editor to compose your posts online or offline.
Supports RSS feeds and syndications
Mediabar for one click access
Install Flock
There is no 1-click installer or a installer package available for openSUSE at the moment but having said that, installation is not very difficult.
Download Flock from here
Once downloaded, unzip and untar as follows:
opensuse11:~ # tar -zxvf flock-1.2.4.en-US.linux-i686.tar.gz
I choose to have the flock installation under /opt and all you need to do is move the untarred folder into this directory. You can choose to have it anywhere.
opensuse11:~ # mv flock /opt/
This will move the flock installation to the directory. That completes the installation.
Now, we need to create a new Desktop shortcut. All you need to do is a user (not necessarily as ROOT) create a file named flock.desktop and copy the following contents using your favorite editor like Gedit. I choose to use “vi” from the terminal
saibaba@opensuse11:~/Desktop> vi flock.desktop
and copy the following contents
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Flock Web Browser
GenericName=Flock Web Browser
GenericName[en_US]=Flock Web Browser
Thats it done!!!
Click on the Flock icon to launch your Flock web browser. At the first time, it will prompt you to import settings and bookmarks from Firefox. Choose it or ingore the option to launch the homepage for Flock browser and there you go..have fun!!!
From the file menu, click Edit and select Preferences to edit any settings. The options should very much resemble the one you would see on Firefox browser.
Visit flock here
Can you please take out the add video that does not let me read ? Thanks for the info….the one I could read at last.
Adding this to my bookmarks. Thank You